Accountancy CV Templates

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From Blank Page to Perfect CV: Expert Tips and Downloadable Templates

Writing a CV can be a hard and uninspiring process. Let us take the guesswork out of it for you!

  • Graduate CV – A template that has a focus on soft skills and education over raw career experience. Great for those with a limited Accounting background. Good to get your personality across!
  • Part and Newly Qualified – Good for those with 2 – 10 years accounting experience. The focus here is on the experience and creating a CV that is easy to read. Also shows off key academics and system skills.
  • ACA First Time Mover – A strong template for mixing key skills with career history. The aim of this CV is to differentiate your skills from your colleagues in the same Audit / TS year.
  • Senior Finance – A flexible template that is designed to be changed each time you apply directly for a role. The aim of this template is to distill a long career into the key points that are needed for the job in question whilst still offering the right amount of further detail for the employer. 

Simple, but powerful.

A strong opening line sets the tone for your cv. Use it to re-inforce the exact area of your cv you want to show off.

Clarity and conciseness is key here.

This is a key part of the CV. You need to make sure
you cover:

  • Who you are
  • Your Background
  • 1/2 Key points (Qualified, technical exposure)
  • What role you are seeking

Target 3-5 core areas, where you know you excel.

Give 3-4 bullet points on each area.

You can then move these around your CV, dependant on what is relevant to the role that you are applying.

More important on senior CVs, or very junior CVs where work experience is light.

The work history section is as much about formatting as it is the content.

  • Clearly include dates
  • Explain what your company does
  • Make sure your last 5 years dominate page 1 of your cv
  • When listing duties, include a good amount of details and figures
  • Split your achievements
  • More “white space” makes it easier to read

If you are in Audit, or a client facing role, it can be useful to name your clients, where they are not confidential.

You can either name them, or just give an idea of size and industry.

Either works, and it helps to give your CV some depth.

Go into detail here if you are a recent graduate, reduce the detail if you have 20+ years experience.

You do not need to list every grade.

Include system skills if you have them.

Hobbies are also a nice touch and can help fill up a page with a gap.

If there is limited space, system skills are more
important than hobbies

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